What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?

If you have resolved to lose weight this year, you might be tempted to turn to fad diets for help. A fad diet is a way of eating that is restrictive and hard to sustain but promises to be the best way to drop weight and improve health. 

In this article, we compare 7 of the most popular fad diets and explain the only real way to achieve weight loss.

The Most Popular Fad Diets

The Paleo diet, or Palaeolithic diet, involves eating foods which were supposedly eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. It claims that our bodies have not evolved enough to eat foods that were developed in the relatively short time since the invention of agriculture. This diet includes eating only whole unprocessed foods like meat, fruit, vegetables, nut and seeds while restricting grains, legumes, dairy products, vegetable oils and any processed foods.

The Ketogenic diet, also known as Keto, has been around for a long time and has been used successfully to treat children with epilepsy. It has gained popularity in the past few years as a weight-loss diet because it focuses on shifting the body from using glucose as fuel to using fats (known as ketones), a state known as ketosis. It is an extreme low-carb and high-fat diet that encourages followers to eat a large percent of their calories in the form of fats while restricting carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day.

Invented by cardiologist Dr. Atkins, the Atkins diet is a low-carb, high-protein and moderate-fat diet. It is set out in four stages, with the initial stage being the most restrictive and then slowly increasing the number of foods and carbohydrates that one can eat.

The Whole30 is a 30-day plan that aims to help you lose weight and improve health issues in a month. For 30 days, followers are told to abstain from dairy, grains, legumes, added sugar and sweeteners of any kind, sugary beverages, alcohol, food additives, processed junk foods and baked goods. It is similar to the Paleo diet in that the foods allowed include fruit in moderation, vegetables, meat without additives, eggs, seafood, nuts and seeds (excluding peanuts), coconut oil, olive oil and black coffee.

The low-fat diet is generally the diet recommended by conventional medical practitioners and healthcare systems for weight-loss. It involves getting only 10-30% of daily calories from fat sources. This means avoiding fatty cuts of meat, fried foods, full-fat products, nut butters and oils.

The raw food diet is a very restrictive form of veganism that proponents claim is good for weight loss and general health. It involves eating only raw and unprocessed foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains and sprouted legumes, and avoiding cooked and refined foods. This stems from the belief that cooked food contains fewer nutrients, enzymes and “living energy” than raw food.

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight-loss method, but it isn’t a traditional diet because it controls WHEN you eat and not WHAT you eat. One of the most popular variations of this method includes only eating during an 8-hour window over 24 hours and fasting for the other 16 hours. Another variation involves fasting or severely restricting calories on two non-consecutive days during the week and eating normally on the other 5 days.  

Why These Diets Work... and Don’t Work

So, you may be wondering why so many people have success with many of the popular fad diets mentioned above.   

The reason these diets work for some people is that they indirectly reduce the number of calories eaten. Some of them do this by eliminating entire food groups, as in the case of the Paleo diet, Whole30, the Atkins diet, the Ketogenic diet and the raw food diet. You will inevitably lose weight if you remove many of the hyper-palatable and high energy foods that you were previously eating regularly.

The low-fat diet reduces overall calorie consumption because fats contain 9 calories per gram and protein and carbs only 4 calories per gram. Intermittent fasting also works by indirectly reducing the amount of calories consumed during the day or the week.

Low-carb diets like Atkins, Paleo, Whole30 and Keto have been shown to decrease calorie consumption by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing cravings (1, 2). This is likely due to the increase in satiating proteins and fats, as well as fibre from eating more vegetables. It’s easier to reduce calories by filling up on satiating whole foods rich in nutrients and fibre.

Unfortunately, these diets encourage an unhealthy relationship with food by creating a negative association with carbohydrates, fats and other restricted foods. Fad diets fail just as often as they work because of their restrictive nature which leads to feelings of deprivation. People may over consume the “safe” foods, fall off the wagon and binge on forbidden foods, or overeat during the day if they are using the intermittent fasting method.  

The Only Way to Lose Weight

The law of thermodynamics tells us weight loss and weight gain are down to calories in and calories out. A consistent calorie deficit over time is the only way to achieve weight loss. And all of the diets mentioned here work by achieving this even if it doesn’t seem obvious.

So, what is a calorie and how does one create a calorie deficit?

A calorie is a unit of energy. Each person uses a certain amount of calories each day to perform basic physiological processes (the processes that keep us alive), as well as other daily tasks like getting dressed, showering, walking and exercising. Each person has their own unique daily calorie requirement depending on gender, height, weight and daily activity level.

If you consume roughly the same amount of calories that your body burns each day you will remain the same weight, and this is called being at calorie maintenance. However, if you consistently consume more calories than you need you will be in a calorie surplus. In this state, you will store this extra energy in the form of fat and perhaps a small amount of muscle (depending on how active you are) and therefore gain weight. While it is much easier to over consume calories from sugary and fatty processed food, people fail to realise a calorie surplus can also occur from eating too much “healthy” food.

In a calorie deficit, you consume less energy than you need and the body has to seek fuel elsewhere. This fuel is most often taken from body fat which results in weight loss over time. Consistently eating fewer calories than you need is the one and only way weight loss occurs.

Scientific studies can confirm this. One study monitored 2 groups of women eating to the same calorie deficit but 1 group on a high sugar diet and the other a low sugar diet. The results showed that both groups of women lost equal amounts of weight (3). Another study found that when people were put in a 30% calorie deficit they lost the same amount of weight independent of the fact that some were on a low-carb/high-fat diet and others were on a high-carb/low-fat diet (4). 

A calorie deficit can also occur when you increase your exercise or physical activity. For example, if your calorie maintenance is 2200 calories per day and you increase your activity to burn 400 of those calories, you will be in a 400-calorie deficit. Weight loss will occur if this is kept consistent. 

The Bottom Line

If you have had success with one of the diets mentioned here, that’s great! However, you can lose weight in a flexible and balanced way by managing your calories. You don’t have to follow a fad diet and give up your favourite foods completely.

The most important thing to remember when embarking on a weight loss journey is that the best diet for you is one that doesn’t make you feel deprived and is sustainable in the long term.   


Tyson Hornby
Four Powerful Ways to Stay Motivated This Year

The first month of the New Year is coming to an end, and the motivation to stay on track with your New Year’s resolutions may be starting to wane.

You started the year with big plans and plenty of enthusiasm, but now the days have become busier, there are more distractions and the cold weather may be putting a damper on your mood. How can you be expected to stick to your resolutions when you just want to curl up and keep warm!

Keep reading to learn some tips to boost your motivation and productivity this year.

Create a Checklist

It’s been said that "inch by inch, anything's a cinch”.

Writing down our goals and breaking them up into smaller, more easily achievable tasks along the way helps keep us on track. It encourages us to continue on, and reduces the overwhelming feelings associated with daunting goals. For example, losing 15kg can seem insurmountable, but breaking that down to just 1 or 2 kg at a time is much more achievable and motivating.

A daily checklist can actually be a game-changer for sticking to and achieving our resolutions. It encourages us to do something each day toward the goal. The successful comedian Jerry Seinfeld has used this method to improve his comedy writing. He places a calendar on his wall, with each day of the year visible. Then, after he has completed his goal of writing for the day, he draws a red X over that date. This continues until a chain of X’s forms on the calendar. At this point, he doesn’t want to break the visible chain, and this motivates him to continue writing each day, thereby creating a daily habit.

Checking off daily tasks works for Seinfeld and it can work for you too, no matter what your goals are.  

The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

Most of us have goals that we really want to achieve, but it can be difficult to take steps toward them. This could be because our primal brain tries to protect us by preventing us from doing things that feel difficult and out of our comfort zone. However, we need to push past this if we want to be the best version of ourselves. 

This is where the 5-second technique can help! This was invented by the author Mel Robbins, who wrote a book detailing how it changed her life and allowed her to achieve both small and large goals. 

Inspired by the countdown used when launching space rockets, it involves counting down when you have the instinct to do something but lack the motivation. Count backwards from 5-4-3-2-1, and then act! This doesn’t give the brain a chance to object and encourages immediate action. It’s a way to push yourself and take control of the moment and ultimately your life, in only 5 seconds.

The technique is simple, but effective. It can be used for a variety of things, like getting up in the morning, working-out, completing an assignment or even phoning someone. 

The next time you feel yourself procrastinating or resisting doing something, stop thinking and count down with 5-4-3-2-1 and DO IT!

Change Your Body Language

The way we hold our body has a big impact on how we feel and vice versa. Think about how we sit and stand when feeling tired, nervous or weak – we typically slouch and make ourselves look smaller. On the other hand, an open posture with the chest forward, head tall and arms and legs taking up space, is associated with confidence and power. 

Amazingly, research has found that adopting a “power pose” for only two minutes can actually influence our physiology. It may increase levels of confidence-boosting testosterone by up to 25%, and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol (1).

Notice how you hold yourself. Chances are that if you’re lacking motivation, your body reflects this by hunching over.

Practice changing your body language to boost your confidence and increase your motivation to meet your goals. Adopting a power pose when you get up in the morning can make a big difference to your attitude for the rest of the day. Trust us; you’ll feel like you can conquer the world after standing in a high power pose for a minute or two.

Increase Your Vitamin D

The winter season, with its cold short days, can affect us physically and mentally. The effects are especially noticeable after the busyness of the festive season has died down and we have to face our everyday lives and responsibilities.

It doesn’t help that the lack of sunlight and sun exposure during this time of year lowers our production of vitamin D. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency may cause fatigue, depression and lack of concentration and motivation – known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (2).  

One study explored the relationship between productivity and vitamin D levels in health care workers. Those with low vitamin D levels were found to be less productive at work than those with levels normal and above (3).

To boost your mood, energy and motivation try to focus on spending some time outside each day for natural light exposure. However, during the winter months this is unlikely to be enough, so increase your intake of fish, eggs, grass-fed butter and fortified dairy products. You can also talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement.

So there you have it, four simple but effective ways that you can boost your motivation and productivity. Use these techniques to make this year the best yet!

Tyson Hornby
Fitness Schedule January 2019!

We are very excited to launch our new fitness schedule for 2019. We have been hard at work finishing up our new boutique fitness studio. We will be offering Yoga, BoneFit and BootCamp classes. We will be limiting our class size to allow for more individual attention.

Our online sign up and bookings will be launched January 1st, 2019. Classes will begin the week of January 7th! Depending on demand, we are willing to open up more class slots. Having our own facility gives us the flexibility to meet everyone’s needs.

Yoga is available to everyone interested. All levels are more than welcome to attend Yoga with Jennifer. BoneFit with Karen is for our older population looking to build strength and balance to engage in everyday activities. Bootcamp with Tyson is a fun-filled hour made to make you sweat. Having a bootcamp at our facility allows the opportunity to engage in cardio, body weight exercises and throwing some weights around!

Pricing is as follows:

Drop-in- $15

5 Class Pass- $65

10 Class Pass- $110

All pricing is subject to HST

Have a look at the schedule posted and we look forward to online sign up beginning January 1st and seeing everyone in the New Year! Have a safe and happy holiday season.

Tyson Hornby
Preparing for the Ski Season

With winter fast approaching, many of us are getting excited for the upcoming ski season.  There are a few options around our area giving us the ability to participate in this very fun winter activity.  It is one of those activities the whole family can enjoy together.  From beginners to expert in the family, a day on the slopes is a wonderful time to be had by all.  With all the joy skiing can bring to the whole family, some of us have to face the harsh reality that our aging bodies may not be able to keep up to our “young at heart” mentality.

In the skiing world, knee injuries are all too common.  Some of the top skiers in the world are taken out of competition due to various knee injuries.  The most prevalent are ACL and MCL tears.  As weekend warrior skiers, we may not face a season ending injury, but be too familiar with chronic and acute knee problems.  In this case, a knee brace can be the right solution to allow you to continue enjoying the winter season without missing a mogul.

Knee braces are available in every size and shape.  It can be difficult to decide on what type of knee brace is right for you.  This is why it is crucial to speak to health care professional, such as a physiotherapist, to choose the right fit for your lifestyle and activity level.  There are two routes to pursue; Off the Shelf, and Custom Braces.

Off the Shelf bracing are more appropriate for individuals who are experiencing minimal pain in less severe injuries.  They can be more economically friendly and come in a variety of sizes and shapes.  They are ideal for temporary use.  A downside to Off the Shelf is they are a one size fits all.  This can lead to not fitting as properly as one would like, irritation of tissue around the joint, and effect overall comfort level.

Custom Knee Bracing can offer the comfort level someone deserves.  Especially dealing with a long-term injury.  Technology has come a long way, and bracing can be custom fit to individual needs.  Benefits include exact custom fit, the ability to customize if needed, ideal for more severe injuries, great for long term use, and better warranties available.

Before you get out on the slopes this season, think about bracing as an option to fend of those chronic knee pains by seeking a professional opinion on knee bracing.

ActiveNorth Would Like to Welcome Our New Chiropractor- Cassie Leigh!

Cassandra (a.k.a. - Cassie) has lived in the Coldwater/Oro-Medonte area for her whole life. While she has been involved in many different sports/teams throughout the years, her main focus was on competitive wrestling. Cassie was a member of the Canadian National team in 2009 competing at the Victory Cup in Turkey and the Pan American Championships in Nicaragua, placing 3rd and 2nd respectively. Her athletic background, injuries and associated therapy, peaked an interest in the human body. After graduating high in Orillia, Cassie received an athletic scholarship to attend Western University in London, ON. Here, she competed as a member of the varsity wrestling team for two years while studying Kinesiology. In her third year and after a history of injuries, Cassie decided to focus on her studies and future career in chiropractic instead of competitive sport. She graduated from Western in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts, Major in Kinesiology Degree in just three years. Upon graduation, Cassie pursued a 4-year Doctorate of Chiropractic Degree at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. In June of 2018, she officially became a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Cassie plans to continue to self-educate herself with post-graduate courses, starting with an acupuncture course in winter of 2018.

Cassie’s athletic history and the unfortunate injuries that go along with it, and her current interest in recreational sports and active living give her a unique perspective into injuries and the associated healing processes that she is looking forward  to sharing with everyone. While she misses the competitiveness of higher level sport from time to time, she feels she made the right choice and is excited to start her chiropractic career with ActiveNorth!

The Benefits of Orthotics

What’s with our feet?  They get us from point A to point B, allow us to play with our kids, and participate in activities we enjoy.  There are many reasons to enjoy our bipedal abilities, however, our feet can lead to variety of issues.  Those of us who work on hard surfaces each day, have had previous leg injuries or joint pain, and diabetes can benefit from orthotics.

For those of us who are on our feet all day at work, on hard surfaces such as concrete, will more than likely suffer from foot pain leading to time lost in the workplace.  Changing work shoes/boots on a regular basis helps, and using a custom orthotic will alleviate and even correct the condition.  

A majority of people have lingering pain in knees, hips and back.  This can be a result of chronic pain, arthritis, or former injury.  There can be a connection between ongoing pain and the function of your feet.  Foot mechanics plays a vital role in our daily lives, and having a proper orthotic can be very affective in enhancing comfort throughout all lower body joints.

Nerve damage can be caused by diabetes.  This can lead to sensation loss unable to feel pain and cause stress and strain in other parts of the body. Many people use orthotics to reduce such strain.

Those of us who are athletes or weekend warriors can benefit immensely from orthotics.  They can help increase endurance, strength and performance abilities.  When looking for an edge in your respective sport, orthotics can be an option.

Tyson Hornby
Food for Thought

When it comes to nutritional information, how much can one take!  There is a plethora of research, studies, fad diets, crash diets, and so forth the media throws at us on a daily basis.  And if you are struggling with weight or trying not to poison your family, how does one sift through all the junk information out there.

First and foremost, where did the information originate?  Was it from an actual four year educated dietitian, or a weekend certified holistic guru?  There is a mountain of studies proving everyone’s fad diet works, but what some do not realize, is there is a mountain of science-based research disproving the crash diet claims.  It’s quite easy to pick out the junk by the names or claims of the diet.  Anything that has the words “30 day flat belly diet” or “target and tone diet” usually refers to a fad where someone is getting rich pretty quick. 

There are wholesome foods and there are junk foods.  We can all name some junk foods really quickly, however, can we accurately estimate how many calories are contained in that wonderful blueberry muffin?  Majority of people are about half the calories short when estimating how much is in the food they are eating.  That is quite substantial!  The average active adult needs between 1700-2200 calories per day.  How fast do those calories add up during the day?  Let’s just look at a typical breakfast and lunch on the run.  A coffee shop breakfast of a muffin (500 cal) and large latte (400 cal), adding in a drive-thru lunch consisting of a chicken sandwich (900 cal), along with a large fry (550) and a large soda pop (350 cal) alone exceeds the daily amount needed for an average adult. 

How to break the vicious cycle of empty calories is an extremely hard feat for many.  However, careful planning in advance can lead you down the path to success.  Making coffee at home, meal prep the night before you go to work, and avoiding or minimizing lunch outings with your workmates are great steps in the right direction. 

Cutting calories is one step, the other is consuming the right food.  Dietitians will advise to stay away from the junk.  However, they know how difficult it is to break the cycle.  The first step is to keep a diary for two weeks on everything you eat and drink.  Every meal, all the little snacking we are all guilty of, and everything you drink.  From here, you can get a bigger picture of what your daily food cycle is and make the necessary adjustments to cut out things we can all do with out.  Examples are the half a bag of chips at night, or the bacon sandwich for breakfast.  Start with small battles and you will win the war. 

Keep in mind, gaining an edge on nutrition is a lifelong journey.  There will be no quick fixes, no magical pill or supplement, just the time you are willing to dedicate to making healthier choices for you and your family.

Tyson Hornby
Yoga With Colette Wednesday Evenings!

We are excited to announce Colette McCutcheon, BPE, BEd, RYT, will begin yoga on Wednesday evenings starting April 11.  It will be an eight week program with a limited number of openings.  Please contact Karri at the front desk for sign up and payment details!

Tyson Hornby
Welcoming Karen Shatford, Our New Athletic Therapist!

CATC, Reg. Kin

Karen Shatford attended the University of Calgary where she obtained a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree in 1999.  She continued on at Mount Royal College in a post graduate athletic therapy program and became a certified athletic therapist in 2002.  Karen has lived in Midland since 2008. 

Outside of the clinic, Karen is a certified doping control officer with the Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport and enjoys working at high level athletic events in that capacity.  Karen also enjoys a variety of recreational activities such as golf, softball, waterskiing, winter skiing (cross country and downhill) and camping with her husband and daughter. 

Karen is excited to join our team at ActiveNorth Physiotherapy, and looks forward to meeting everyone!

Tyson Hornby
Predicting Weather With Pain

It is a common notion for those living with arthritis, and other joint issues, to have increased pain levels before and during rainy days.  Arthritis sufferers are known to predict the weather without seeing a weather report.  The increased barometric pressure does in fact cause joint pain, increase in headaches, and other inflammation induced issues.

During these heightened times in heightened barometric pressure, there are multiple ways to reduce the onset of pain:

Managing your weight- People who are overweight or obese can reduce joint pain considerably by losing weight.  The access pressure from the atmosphere coupled with the extra pounds an individual carries significantly increases pain.

Healthy Eating- Eating well-balanced meals rich in vitamins can reduce pain.  Minimizing gluten, trans fat and sugars is ideal.  Increasing Omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Exercise- Taking part in regular fitness activities is ideal for everyone.  Older adults with arthritis should engage in low impact exercises such as cycling and yoga to manage pain levels.  By increasing range of motion in joints, one can minimize chronic pain.

Heat/Cold- applying heat and cold to effected joints can relieve pain.  Using heat at beginning of day can warm up joints to allow ease in daily activities.  Cold can reduce inflammation and swelling in joints making down time much more pleasurable.

Acupuncture and Massage- This is a great way to relieve pain, stress and relax on those painful, rainy days.

Quit Smoking- This is more important than chronic smokers like to think.  Smoking causes excess stress on connective tissues which leads to increased pain.  Not to mention the damage to your heart and lungs.

Last Resort- If all of the above is not successful in controlling pain during high pressure days, consulting a doctor about pain relief will be needed.  They can speak to you about pain relief medications, and create a treatment plan for you.  But, do not be surprised if they recommend any, or all, of the above as a first step in pain management.

It's Resolution Time!
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It’s Resolution Time!

It is that time of year when a majority of us make those New Year resolutions!  Whether it be quit smoking (it is a proven killer), take a break from social media (a major contributor to the destruction of society), quit coffee (I have attempted this every year without much luck), and the number one resolution.... improve health and fitness!

When declaring your resolutions for the new year, try taking the S.M.A.R.T. approach to setting your goals.  The acronym stands for S- Specific, M- Measurable, A- Attainable, R- Relevant, T-Timely.  It is a tried, tested and true approach to achieving self-directed goals.


The first step in creating a goal is choosing what exactly you want to achieve.  For instance, maybe you would like to shed some extra pounds around the waist line, maybe 30 pounds.  It is easy to state “I want to lose 30 pounds”, but its not enough.  To specify your goal, a great approach would be to state “I want to lose 5 pounds a month for six months”.  You want to win the smaller battles to be victorious in war.


In the next step, you want the ability to measure your progress.  How does one do so?  Take smoking for instance (again, proven killer), what is your return?  Will walking upstairs be easier, having more energy to play with your children, or find a new set of lungs to run a marathon.  Whatever the goal is, it has to be measurable to see results.


Here is where resolutions get tricky.  Do you have the financial means, personal effort, or the most important- support from those in your daily life.  It is near impossible for someone to quit smoking when a significant other puffs away all day, or the people you engage with at work smoke.  Smoking is highly addictive, and the right support base is needed to be successful. 


Here is another tough one for some.  Looking at weight loss as a goal, do you know how to go about safely losing weight through proper nutrition and exercise?  It’s easy to sign up for one of those flashy cheap gym memberships, but most will go unused when February hits.  The whole “Globo-Gym” business model is built on you signing up for long term and not using it.  When looking to exercise or dial in your nutrition, it does pay to speak to a professional. 


Basically, create deadlines.  When there are deadlines put in place, it will make you want to work harder to reach those goals.  Keep in mind deadlines need to be realistic.  Losing thirty pounds in thirty days is a great example of unrealistic.  Another factor of timely is actually committing time.  There should be no excuse when there are 1440 minutes in a day.  Everyone can set aside a fraction of the day to achieve those goals. 

In the end, make your resolutions a positive experience, and surround yourself with the support needed to achieve those goals!




Tyson Hornby
Fitness Classes Starting November 6th!

AcitveNorth is excited to announce the start of our fitness classes on November 6th!  Ashley, our Certified Personal Trainer with CSEP, will be offering the classes listed below:

Monday and Wednesday 5:30 pm OR 6:30pm

This will be a full body boot camp class.  Sessions will include calisthenics, weighted exercises, with High Intensity Interval Training, core focus and cool down.

Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am

During this class, Ashley will divide into upper and lower body workouts to allow for complete recovery.  Ashley will utilize a variety of exercises focusing on each individuals fitness needs.  

All sessions are an hour in length, and will be an 8 week commitment.  

There are only 6 spots per class available, and will fill up quickly. 

If there is enough interest to add in more sessions, this can be an option.

Cost is $160+tax.

Contact ActiveNorth at 705-686-3688 05 info@activenorthphysiotherapy.com

Tyson Hornby
The Benefits of Massage Therapy
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Scheduling a massage therapy appointment on a regular basis with a Registered Massage Therapist has numerous health benefits, both physical and psychological.  Some of these benefits include:

-Reducing chronic joint pain

-Increasing mobility to enjoy daily life activities

-Decreasing likelihood of headaches

-Lowering anxiety and depression levels

Chronic pain can have an adverse effect on daily life activities.  Individuals who suffer from chronic pain can render them practically disabled.  There is no motivation to work or socialize, with all the focus on pain.  Such pain can lead to dependence on habituates. 

Having increased mobility, especially as we age, allows us to perform our daily activities with much more ease.  Being able to bend down to pick up something off the floor, sit at the dinner table are things we take for granted.  Regular massage will allow us to continue to sustain our daily life activities.

Headaches can be attributed to a multitude of health issues.  One of the main areas of issue with headaches is carrying stress in the neck.  Stiffness and tension in the neck are two examples of what can cause constant headaches.  Having a Registered Massage Therapist release this tension through a massage with greatly increase an individual’s enjoyment of day to day activities.

As researcher’s breakdown the barriers of anxiety and depression, they recommend stress relief through a variety of activities.  One of the most recommended activities to engage in is massage.  A massage from a Registered Massage Therapist can have a relaxing effect by affecting breathing and circulation, lowering anxiety and depression significantly.

When it comes to one’s health, they must look out for themselves, and do everything possible to live a healthier, stress-free life.  A Registered Massage Therapist can help you achieve these goals.

Fitness For The Older Adult

Most older adults can benefit from increasing their physical activity.  Regular exercise prevents chronic disease, improves mood, lowers chances of injury and helps in preventing falls.

Moderate physical activity is good for people of all ages and ability levels.  Even the older population diagnosed with chronic illnesses can exercise safely under the supervision of a medical professional.  Many medical conditions are actually improved with exercise, including Alzheimer's and dementia, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and obesity.

Regular exercise provides a variety of health benefits, including improvements in blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and compromised cognitive function.

Regular exercise improves the following:

  • Immune Function: A healthy, strong body fights off infection and sickness more easily and quickly.
  • Cardio-Respiratory and Cardiovascular Function:  Frequent physical activity lowers the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • Bone Density and Risk of Osteoporosis: Exercise protects against loss in bone mass.  Stronger bone density will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, lower the risk of falling, and prevent fractures.  Post-menopausal women can lose as much as two percent bone mass each year, and men also lose bone mass as they age.
  • Gastrointestinal Function: Regular exercise helps boost your metabolism, encouraging digestive health.
  • Chronic Conditions and Cancer: Physical activity lowers the risk of serious conditions such Alzheimer's disease and dementia, diabetes, obesity and heart disease.  It also helps in the management of high cholesterol and arthritis pain.

The ideal general exercise regimen for adults consists of three components:

  1. Aerobic and Endurance Exercises: Physicians recommend thirty minutes of cardiorespiratory endurance exercise each day for an adult.  This means getting their heart rate up and breathing faster.  Walking, cycling, and swimming are all examples of cardio/endurance exercises.  Cardiorespiratory endurance exercise increases the body's ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and remove waste over sustained periods of time.
  2. Strength and Resistance Training: Strength training uses and builds muscles with repetitive motion exercises.  Strength training weights, resistance bands, nautilus machines or by using walls, the floor and furniture for resistance.  Bodyweight exercises or calisthenics such as lunges, sit-ups, and leg raises are also convenient options since they do not require any specialized equipment.  Strength training helps prevent loss of bone mass and improves balance.  Both of these things will help seniors avoid falls and broken bones.
  3. Stretching and Flexibility Exercises: Stretching is vital to an exercise regimen.  This helps muscles warm up and cool down gradually and improves and maintains flexibility, prevents injury, and reduces muscle soreness and stiffness.

Activities like yoga or Pilates can provide both useful stretches and strength training because they focus on isolating and developing different muscle groups.

Try activities in a class setting with proper supervision by a trained professional, or one on one training with a certified health care professional.

Sarah Hornby (Burke)

Registered Physiotherapist

ActiveNorth Physiotherapy Coldwater Ontario


Sarah is Now a Graston Technique Provider

Over the past weekend, Sarah headed to Toronto to educate herself in a growing method in the physiotherapy world, the Graston Technique.  It is always beneficial for clinicians to continue their education through taking such courses.  It is also great to have another weapon in the arsenal of therapy for her physiotherapy patients.  

What is the Graston Technique you may ask?  According to grastontechnique.com; "Graston Technique® is an innovative, evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to detect and effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions, as well as maintain optimal range of motion."

Why use the Graston Technique?  grastontechnique.com says; "The unique protocol uses specially designed stainless steel insturments, along with appropriate therapeutic exercise, to specifically detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The instruments also are used diagnostically to follow the kinetic chain, to locate and treat the cause of the symptom as well as the specific area of pain. GT is also frequently used as an effective protocol to maintain range of motion.

The benefits for patients are:

  • Decreases overall time of treatment
  • Fosters faster rehabilitation/recovery
  • Reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication
  • Resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent
  • Provides an efficient way to maintain optimal range of motion

If you would like to learn more, please watch the following video:


If you are interested in the Graston Technique, please contact us either by phone, 705-686-3688, or by email at info@activenorthphysiotherapy.com.



ActiveNorth Physiotherapy

29 Coldwater Road, Suite 1C

Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0

ActiveNorth Physiotherapy Offering Exercise Therapy

Exercise Therapy is a physiotherapy based program tailored to each individuals needs.  It is a one on two program; one patient working with a physiotherapist and an exercise designate to help promote the healing process of injury, pain or post surgery.

The benefits of exercise therapy go above and beyond the benefits of the usual hands on, manual physiotherapy treatment and specific exercise regime for the specific injured areas.  It involves strengthening and conditioning the body as a whole.  Exercise therapy has been linked to further decrease recovery times, increase the strength of injured areas, provide greater ranges of motion, increase cardiovascular capacity, and increase overall health.

Adding resistance training into physiotherapy treatment will not only strengthen the site of recovery, but increase overall strength in all major muscle groups and joints.  This will increase recovery time and decrease the risk of re-occurring injury in the future.

Emphasis on range of motion during recovery time will allow for greater flexibility at all major joints.  This also reduces the risk of injury in future at major joints.

Coupling all the above mentioned approaches with ongoing physiotherapy treatment will lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.  An increase in overall health will lead to a more active, enjoyable future.  

If you would like to consider exercise therapy as a physiotherapy option, please do not hesitate to contact us at 705 686 3688, or email at info@activenorthphysiotherapy.com.


Sarah Hornby (Burke)

Msc. PT, RMT


Tyson Hornby
ActiveNorth Physiotherapy Is Now Open In Coldwater Ontario
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We have now been open for a week, and we could not have asked for a better launch to our new physiotherapy, massage therapy and fitness clinic in Coldwater, Ontario.  The response we have received from the community of Coldwater has been overwhelming, and for this, we thank everyone.  

We were obviously nervous, as anyone should be, opening in the small town of Coldwater, but with Sarah's small town roots just north of here in the Severn Bridge area has allowed us to transition nicely into the community.

We are happy to offer physiotherapy, massage therapy and personal training.  We have met someone Sarah is in talks with to boost our fitness and personal training we can offer to the residents of Coldwater.  If you have any questions about what we offer in terms of physiotherapy, massage therapy and fitness, please do not hesitate to call or drop in.  We try to be here everyday and are trying to lock down the hours of operation.

Give us a call at 705-686-3688, email at info@activenorthphysiotherapy.com, or book online through www.activenorthphysiotherapy.com.

Again, thank you to the Coldwater and surrounding communities.


ActiveNorth Physiotherapy- Services Offered

Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Graston Technique, Exercise Therapy and Custom Orthotics

At ActiveNorth Physiotherapy in Coldwater, we offer a more hands on approach to therapy.  The following services can be redeemed through your individual private health care plan.

Physiotherapy and Acupuncture

Physiotherapy plays a significant role in the promotion of health and treatment of injury and disease.  Physiotherapy involves an in-depth knowledge of the human body with a specialized hands-on clinical skills to assess, diagnose and treat symptoms of illness, injury or disability. Treatments may involve manual therapy, specific exercise prescription and/or electrotherapy modalities. 

When deemed necessary, Sarah may incorporate acupuncture, and/or Graston into treatment of injury or disease as per discretion. 

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy is a one on one program tailored to each individual.  The conditioning session focuses on areas of weakness along with general functional exercises.  The sessions are 45 minutes in length.

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics can be utilized to; decrease pain in the foot, knee, hips and lower back.  They can increase the stability in an unstable joint, and improve the overall quality of life.  Orthotics can also be used as a preventative measure against injuries and asymmetries.

Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage

The Swedish Massage is the foundation all massages are developed from.  This type of massage incorporates mild to deeper stroke techniques to alleviate pain in tissue and muscle.

Sports Massage

This a popular massage technique to treat soft tissue injuries.  Having a sport massage on a regular basis is a routine for many athletes as a form of injury prevention.  An emphasis can be put into a specific area of the body to help with recovery.

Trigger Point

Trigger point massage therapy is focused on relieving pain from the source through cycles of pressure and release and deep breathing. The tight, constricted areas of muscle are relieved and the pain decreased – even just one session of trigger point therapy can significantly decrease pain.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy that involves a mix of massage and gentle long strokes to release the tightness in the fascia or connective tissue that surrounds muscles and other systems in the body.

Private and Semi-private Training, and Strength and Conditioning

ActiveNorth offers multiple approaches to health and fitness.  Sarah and Tyson have experience in athletics at the Varsity and National level, along with a combined 20 years experience in the clinical and exercise fields.  Below are the options to get you started on the right path to health and exercise.

Private and Semi-Private Training

With private and semi-private (max two individuals) training, all resistance and conditioning exercises are tailored to each individuals needs.  All those interested in a private training program begin with an introduction session (no cost) which will give you an overview of our exercise beliefs, what a typical training session will entail, your personal fitness goals, and baseline fitness and flexibility tests to create benchmarks for the future.

Strength and Conditioning for Sport

Have an aspiring young athlete?  At ActiveNorth, our experience and knowledge will give you the competitive advantage in their respective sport.  With Tyson's knowledge and experience in the profession of cross-training, athletes will be introduced to the strength and conditioning exercises that will promote speed and power.  The two essentials for success on the field, in the pool, on the court, and in the arena.  Each athlete will be taught the fundamentals of weight lifting, cardiovascular conditioning, and more.  If you are interested in taking your athletics to the next level, please contact Tyson.

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We are excited to see the renovations are underway!  The Rivers Pub in Coldwater, Ontario is being torn apart and remodelled into ActiveNorth Physiotherapy.  

It has been a quick process so far, and looks like we will be able to hit the target of opening in July in Coldwater.  We will be serving Coldwater and the surrounding area.  From Orillia to Midland, Moonstone to Horseshoe Valley.  

ActiveNorth Physiotherapy will be offering physiotherapy to MVA, WSIB and private insurance holders.  Massage and Private Training will be offered as well.  We look forward to sharing our experience and knowledge with everyone in the area!

If you have any questions, or want to find out more about us, contact us at info@activenorthphysiotherapy.com or visit us at www.activenorthphysiotherapy.com.